Maintaining Standard Content

Writers often fall on the horns of a dilemma while adjudging themselves. Self evaluation is inevitable for the enhancement of not only writing but any other professional domain. Still, what remains itchy is where to fit us (content writers) in the probable answer. Several other valid queries peep out as we try to ascertain the stand of writing professionals.

Firstly, who is better to judge the quality of the content? The writer (including experts) or the client?
Secondly, what is the yardstick to measure or follow?
Well, every individual is made up with different virtues and each has his/her own limitations unexplainable by any scientific argument. These 'plus'-es or 'minus'- es are something that are an individual's innate characteristic. But... as Darwin constitutes his concept of the survival of the fittest in his famous book -'On the Origin of species by Means of Natural Selection', we being the finest of species need to conquer our frailties in a convincing manner. At least
writers, in order to sustain themselves have to rise above their marginal standards. You have to be a gifted writer first. This is where the blog begins. Let's clarify the questions and reach at the heart of the topic.

'Jeopardy' itself is a misleading word and 'ego' is a perfect catalyst when they team up to ruin a writing professional's credibility. Though 'success' is a relative term depending on performance, chance and fortune; we must know the unfavourable factors first to safeguard copywriting careers that may bring a professional at the verge of extinction. 'Jeopardy' and 'ego'- the 'vicious twins' often mar the originality of the content; it may occur from both ends i.e. writer or client. If a writer at the best of his knowledge believes has crafted the perfect thing, the client (sometimes they claim they are expert in the given task) on the contrary believes it is either too high a quality for the readers or it has been diluted heavily that should look like a rookie copy. So the hazard is two-fold. Sometimes it appears both the parties are justifying their point of argument. Well, a gifted writer could well gauge the future of the content or sales copy (including the benefits of SEO) if it is tampered repeatedly by the client's injunction. It is always better to be on the client's side on professional ground. His instruction is final if he is determined. For that, kill the 'vicious twins' and turn a deaf ear to the rest of the world. But, never let the standard down; maintain a harmony even while pleasing your client. For liberal clients, unleash the magician in you and reap what you have sown for so long. At the end of the day, both the writer and client will be proud of themselves.

'Precision' and 'cognition' are the vital players of so called professional copies. A masterful ally of an editing genius should be availed at every copy written. It is always a better practice to have two different persons as writer and editor. Editors are more than good at finding grammatical errors, reducing literal, cultural jargons to make a copy more lenient to the worldly readers; their ability to furnish the copies with an extra edge every time guarantees the saleability of it. A good experience of five years or more as a copywriter in advertising/media (print, electronic or web) with an impressive curriculum vitae is the best to be asked for the post of a copy editor. Writers are also important. It may vary from fresher to professional level- here the editor or group of editors have a vital role to play- they must assign projects to people according to their maturity, knack or interest in a specific domain.

Writers grow gradually- they should not aim high at the prime of their career. Issues with grammar, spelling and vocabulary should be resolved first; too much ornamental writing should not be in the list. Too much time should not be spared in content research. Time management is vital. Learning from the seniors or following instructions from seniors/editors are good practices. As young writers accomplish all these, setting and improving own style is a plus. Cognition, as mentioned earlier, is a key to be a successful copywriter-what the client wants, what to research, how much to deliver, and what not to do for specific clients - all the knowhow of strategic dealing with clients.

Website copywriting already getting worldwide attention as a specific domain of services has an alternative career opportunity along with journalism and advertising. It is also an excellent indication that a number of young guns are making their way to the specific industry.
(UK English followed)

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